meet the team
elected officers - fire
Sections for: Fire/EMS/SAR/Volunteers
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brian clay
Fire Chief

member of hvfd since 1994 chief of the dept for 2 yrs Haines resident since 1965 23 yrs of military service hobbies hunting fishing and just hanging out with family 20 year member of the Haines school board

darwin Feakes
Assistant Fire Chief

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Haines Resident Since:
cynthia jones
Fire Company 2nd Lieutenant

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Haines Resident Since:

vince hansen
Fire Company Captain

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Engine & Fire Company
Sections for: Fire/EMS/SAR/Volunteers
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Matt Boron
Engine Company Captain

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Shawn Bell
Engine Company 1st Lieutenant

Originally from Kasilof, I lived in Alaska till the age of 13 before moving to Colorado. After time in the military and various jobs in the home building industry, I eventually found my way back to Alaska in 2014. I’ve enjoyed living in Haines and raising my family in this small town atmosphere. Haines really is a great place to live.
Upon moving here, I started working for the Ports & Harbors department with the Haines Borough and joined the HVFD in 2015. My time at the Department has been great. I’ve been able to get connect with a wonderful group of volunteers from our community, receive specialized training, gain entirely new experiences, and help out my neighbor along the way.
I invite you to come check us out. The HVFD is a Volunteer department, and we need people just like you to keep our Department strong and our community resilient.

vince hansen
Fire Company Captain

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Haines Resident Since:

cynthia jones
Fire Company 2nd Lieutenant

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thom andriesen
Fire Company 1st Lieutenant

I have been a member of both Fire and EMT teams since 1988. With a passion for community safety and emergency response, I am committed to protecting and serving the residents of Haines.
Sections for: Fire/EMS/SAR/Volunteers
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EMS Company Captain

Al Badgley is a native Texan, and is married with 2 children. After graduating from Texas A&M with a Bachelor of Science in 1978, Badgley moved to Haines in 1980 and became a volunteer firefighter in April of 1981. Only one short month after joining the department, Badgley helped fight his first and largest fire of his career, the Port Chilkoot Barracks, which lasted for 14 hours.
In January of 1985, Badgley became certified as an EMT I, as well as an ambulance responder. In January of 1988, he became the sole Fire/EMS responder for the department, soon advancing to Firefighter III, EMT III, and Training Officer roles. Some accomplishments under this tenure include expanding the Fire Prevention Program for the Haines School District, starting the annual HVFD 4th of July community barbecue, spearheading a 15 minute Public Safety radio program, and the coordination of a local Firefighter I program.
Badgley retired from his paid position after 27 and a half years in July of 2016. Badley remains a valuable volunteer in the community and still responds to EMS calls.

patty brown
EMS Company 1st Lieutenant

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Anissa berry
EMS Company 2nd Lieutenant

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Liz Landes
EMS Company 3rd Lieutenant

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